This is a nice compilation of several books. The New Birth Order Book, What Your Childhood Memories Say about You, Love Language and Personality Style.
I have read the Birth Order Book and Gary Chapman's Love Language books previously. Which I love both theories. I am constantly quoting stuff from each. My opinion is every parent should read at least one if not both of these books.
However, after being married for 15 years and not being able to identify my husband's love language threw me in a tail spin and reeked havoc on our marriage for an entire year. It was like an identity crisis. Anyway because of that episode I have mellowed immensely over the Love Languages. He finally had to tell me, but like I mentioned it was an entire year later.
The personality styles were quite confusing and I brushed through that section quickly.
The most intriguing chapter for me was about childhood memories. Dr. Leman asks you to recount three memories when you were under eight years of age. Depending on how you answered those he can tell if you are first, last or middle born also. But what was fascinating was that those memories are how you see yourself today, even though you are grown up, you feel the world sees you as that memory or feelings you had at that time.
Dr. Leman is a last born, a performer and I find it is so entertaining to read his books. If you would like the bare bones of these theories. This is the ticket.
I personally was so enthralled with the Childhood Memories that I bought the book on ebay.