Thursday, January 28, 2010
I Hate It When Exercise is the Answer By Emily Watts

The Diet Selector By Judith Rodriguez

- The origin/history
- Diet claims and how it works
- At a glance ratings which include long term plan, flexibility, being family friendly, cost, strength of science.
- A sample menu to provide some ideas of what following the diet means in terms of everyday eating.
- Useful resources for further info
- Lists "treats" and "forbidden foods"
- My favorite: the Pro's and Con's
Message In a Bottle by Nicholas Sparks

I rented the movie for this weekend while Lovie is at scout winter camp. just in case it's a cryfest.
Braggs Healthy Lifestyle By Paul C. and Patricia Bragg

I made Patricia's popcorn recipe: air popped of course. with olive oil, brewer's yeast and Braggs sprinkle seasoning and it was really good. Matter of fact my kids ate it all and I plan on making more today.
My favorite part of the book was the "Chinese tongue Chart". The tongue is the magic mirror of the stomach and entire mucus membrane system, so if it's coated in a particular area, that's where the toxins are.
My review of this book is questionable. I learned from it, but the tone of the book is arrogant-calling people who eat unhealthily "living dead" and "walking piles of manure".The information rendered becomes redundant. The book could easily be less than 50 pages instead of 132.
If you are considering the raw food or vegan diet, you will like it, but I'm not to that point. I like my cheese and meat to much.
Paul Bragg has a slew of accomplishments such as opening the first health food store in America and was the first to introduce juicing. Even Jack LaLanne is one of his students (we hear about that every few pages).
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
The Lightning Thief By Rick Riordan