Saturday, March 14, 2009

The LDS Grandparents Idea Book - Fay Klingler

I love this book. It has SO many ideas. I purchased one for my mom ,my sister, myself ,and my neighbors mom!
Activities centered around holidays. ie. Easter, birthday, Christmas, July 4. etc. But also great ideas and traditions to start for whenever you see your grandchildren. Also, blessings, baptism, High school graduation etc.
There were 100's of ideas, it was just easier for me to buy the book and underline, as to write a few down in my planner.
Tell ya what, check it out from the library and see or go to Seagull Book . I have also seen it on Amazon. Although I do not have grandchildren yet, there are many ideas I plan to incorporate into my children's lives, as well as my nieces and nephews.

Escape Your Shape -Edward Jackowski

This book makes a lot of sense to me.
There's a right way and a wrong way to exercise for each body shape. By exercising right for your body type you will finally see stubborn problem area start to change . The kind of change that will motivate you to continue until you meet you're goals. (that's what the back says)
You don't need to spend money on expensive equipment or devote hours a day to this program. From reading it, this is true for my body type , which is a spoon. I need a jump rope and a 4 lb aerobic bar, 10 lb curl bar, a mat and a stationary bike or treadmill.
If I ever exercise again, I am going to follow this plan. The body types are ruler, spoon, hourglasss and cone.

The Uses of Adversity - Carlfred Broderick

This book is written for the LDS faith. Brother Brodrick was a stake president and this book was written from an essay he wrote and gave quite a few years ago (he died in 1999).
It was a quick read, only being 58 pages and the book itself, is only 4x6 inches. It had some faith rendering stories; however, I found it hard to follow at times because of his writing style. I think he was from my grandfather generation. They wrote as they talked. A lot of run on sentences, etc.
If you know a woman who has suffered from abuse as a child, there is a story that would be inspiring to her. It may have the counsel that you or a friend have been praying for.
I think I'll read it again!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Scream-Free Parenting

I ABSOLUTELY love this book. I purchased it because, I fall off the wagon so easily and with all of the marked pages, I can easily skim through and remember that " Its about me , not them". I ran across a journal entry when reading this book:
For years I have known have been out of hand with my emotions. It all started years ago--when the boys were really little. I started yelling and demanding-just because I felt like I could and it seemed that I got results, so it became more frequent, more loud, more, more,more. Now today werare all negative and controlling and bossy and faultfinding. I am only on page 40 and I have learned SO MUCH.
Parenting isn't about the children, its about the parents and how they react. No one can make you feel or push your buttons unless you let them. It is not your children's responsibility to calm you down. It is not my children's responsibility to be caretakers of my emotional state. It shouldn't be me vs. it should be them vs. consequences (natural consequences). I have to read it a little at a time, to digest it all. It is so great! I have learned that I am not responsible FOR my children, but I am responsible TO my children, I cannot make them mindless robots (which I basically have, when it comes to chores). When children think for themselves--you've raised a rebel. When they do what you have programmed them them to do they "do the right thing"
I am responsible TO my children, husband and family members. I am accountable for how I think, feel and behave toward them. I am responsible To my children for how I behave, regardless of how he or she behaves.
It has been up to my children to manage my reactions, because I have lost the ability to control myself (by yelling). But now, my goal is to influence, not coerce.

And you should read the chapter on SPACE

This is one of the best parenting books I have ever read. I have read many, many,many of them and This One is the BOMB. Highly recommended, even if you aren't a yeller.

Preschooler Play Time

This is $5.00 well spent. I have several activity/raining day books. But this one is the one I use the most.
Most of the ideas aren't anything new (although there are some I would have never thought of), you just never remember them when you need them.
So your kidlet is bored and tv as a babysitter is not an option. Open the book to the different categories and wha-la. Bring out your buttons and have then sort them. After they have played with them for an hour, maybe you could say, put all of the red ones in a pile etc. After every activity, there is a "skills learned" section also.

It says preschooler, but I know my ten year old would love to do some of these activities.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Super Baby Food - Ruth Yaron

I received a flyer for this book in something or another after having Derci. It looked interesting, but anything that claims to be everything usually isn't. So when I was in Orem, I stopped by Barnes and Noble to see it for myself.
Its 558 pages of info. Yes, some is repeated. She writes/compiles it that way, so that you can start reading anywhere in the book and not be lost. This is the description:
Absolutely everything you should know about feeding your baby and toddler; from starting solid foods to age three. Includes more than 350 quick, easy, delicious and nutritious recipes and thousands of money saving and time saving child care and kitchen tips.
Highly recommended by new moms and dads.
On the back cover:
  • How and when to start your baby on solid foods, with detailed information on the safest high chairs, spoons, and other feeding equipment.
  • Which foods to introduce to your baby to eat and drink each month of his first year , with details on proper food consistency, amount and temperature.
  • How much you can expect your baby to eat and drink during the months of her first year with information on her digestive system at each age.
  • The Super Baby Food Diet for your baby or toddler with feeding schedules and worksheets, which make it easy to feed your baby a healthy balanced diet.
  • Your baby;s physical, emotional, and psychological development as it applies to self feeding and mealtimes.
  • When you can expect your baby to start finger feeding, drinking from a cup, and self feeding with a spoon and fork.
  • This book will give you the knowledge and confidence to make your own healthy and safe homemade baby vegetables, fruits, cereals, and other Super Baby Foods.
  • Food allergies and important food warnings and safety precautions.
  • Hundreds of money saving and time saving child care and kitchen tips.
  • Make meals fun! food decorating, toddler part snacks and favors
  • Recipes for homemade play dough, finger paints, bubbles, and other children's crafts.
  • All about nutrition and your baby, including nutrient tables of all major vitamins and minerals with convenient baby-sized portions.
  • How to save money by making homemade yogurt, fruit leather, and how to grow sprouts, fruit plants and herbs in your kitchen.
  • Easy economical recipes for homemade baby accessories, such has baby wipes, diaper cream, and more.
  • Baby safe and environment-friendly recipes for household cleaning products such has furniture polish and window cleaners.
Not only does it have all that. It had ideas for making cakes. Yeah, cakes like giraffe's, wagon's. footballs, firetrucks all from round or rectangular pans.
It has safety info, not just the normal stuff, but information about radon, I had not even heard of radon till a year ago.
Definitely what it says. The only book a mom needs.