I was drawn to this book because 1) Chris Stewart's Great and Terrible Series is awesome 2) great title and 3) Its little and cute and a quick read.
I was feeling pretty depressed after eating nothing but vegetables (to get my liver cleansed you know...) and then gaining 2 lbs.
It's so awesome when the Lord answers your prayers.
Its so awesome when the Lord answers your prayers really fast.
Sure enough, the first chapter is what I needed to hear.
Satan knows how to rob me of my joy and by golly he has done a great job in some aspects. Lucifer will steal our happiness if we let him. It's not a new concept, but it was what I personally needed to hear that evening.
Other chapters discuss man v. morality,re evaluating our expectations, true gifts and demanding perfect water. I really liked the gifts and perfect water chapters as well.
Being only 60 pages and about 4x6 inches, it's a small quick read. Although I may not purchase it, if I did I would re-read it periodically. I am going to suggest it for my book club when we need a small, easy read.
he does try - every day. as long as we cling to HIM we'll be okay. i love Chris Stewart - i'll read it! Thanks...