Last year, I saw these books at Costco. My favorite section at Costco is the pre-made meals which is second place to the book section.
Although, I bought these for my near one year old. They would make a great gift for a smaller baby or even a two year old.
My nearly four year old loves them as much as her little sister. She has them memorized

The collection included 8 books. When taking the pic,I could only find four. The girls love them and carry them around the house. As of late, we read "Pop" (Grandpa and Me) and "Gramma" (Grandma and Me) every. single. night. for the past two months.
The pictures are bright, vivid, colorful. The flaps (they are flap board books) are sturdy, however, several have been ripped off and put back together with tape.
They are very simple books. For example, on the Grandma and Me it says
"Someone special is at the door, who could it be?"
Under the flap it says "Surprise It's Grandma!"
Derci would not hold still when I started reading to her before bed at 17 months. These were the life saver. Now she is good through Dr. Seuss style books. We read for the recommended 20 minutes minimum every day.
They are all delightful.
"Where is Baby's Belly Button", "What Does Baby Say", "Mommy and Me", "Daddy and Me", "Peek a Baby" are the titles. I have seen them also sold separately.
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