I read this book several months ago and have been putting off writing a review because it is a touchy subject but more so because it is so consuming that I could write a 10 page single spaced review on all the interesting things I learned about Barack Obama.
This book was written by a man who went through Obama books "Dreams of My Father" and "The Audacity of Hope". He looked up every person and background on the events that took place. Basically he researched everything Obama had written.
If you have any questions unanswered about Obama, this pretty much answers them. From his child hood. His father was not a goat herder. He was a government bureaucrat sent to Hawaii, then Harvard on scholarship. His father was an alcoholic who killed himself because he was driving drunk. He was also a polygamist, Remaining married to his first wife Kezia, in Africa, marrying Stanley Anne, then marrying even more women without getting a proper divorce from any one of them.
That's minor to other stuff that gets investigated.
Wonder what Chicago style politics is?
Wonder where he came from? It seems he was just dropped from the sky.
So many unanswered questions...
The things that interested me most about this was "Black Rage"
In the early 20's groups of educated black men congregated together and decided they didn't like America as it was- because paraphrasing "It was white men rules" meaning the Founding Fathers. They wanted to abolish the government and start over with a communist society ~so that everyone would be created equal~ what?. This is where the radicals come in- such as the Black Panthers, Louis Farrakan, Saul Alinsky.
Saul Alinsky was very interesting to me. Obama learned his community organizing skills from a a guy named Kellman who was a student of Alinksy. His sole goal was to destroy the American government and institute Communism. "The end justifies the means" Was the basic slogan of community organizing. Stir up the hurt in the less fortunate to make them rebel through the ballot box. Alinsky was the one who used the battle cry "change" as a code word for redistribution of wealth.
Want to know about, Bernardine Dohrn? Tony Rezko and his ties to Islam, Reverend Wright and Obamas conversion to Christianity? What about Obamas ties to Islam? It's all in there.
But believe me they aren't the most interesting parts.
The very most important thing I learned from this book is If you really listen to Obama you can hear what his is really saying.
Liberals have less than favorable reviews of this book but Mr. Corsi has all of the references
If you have any questions regarding Obama and his past. I highly encourage this read.
Oh and one more thing. No mean comments from liberals. This is my blog and no one asked you to read it.
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