I read this book several years ago, like when I was single or just recently married. I really liked it and wanted to buy my own copy. Those were the days when money and space were tight. Instead I bought my sister a copy (I should see if she stills has it, bet she hasn't even read it!) I did take excellent notes and they were stored in my Franklin planner. Here are the notes:
Rule One
You Will Receive a Body
Learn to accept your body, not have it as an enemy. It's the only one you will ever have on this earth.
Self esteem- No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
1. Identify what stands in your way- acknowledging your belief that limits you.
2. Search your soul for the core connection-who you really are
3. Take action- positive change or value yourself for who you really are.
Don't measure yourself by external appearance, realize that some beliefs hold you back from feeling good about yourself.
Respect. listen to your body and it will tell you what it needs.
Pleasure. Makes you lighthearted and does wonders for your soul.
Rule Two
You will be presented with lessons. You will only receive lessons you are capable of learning from. Every event that occurs in one's life teaches you something about yourself.
Be receptive and open. What lesson am I resisting?
Choice. Decisions are made in your mind, while choices are made in your gut.
Fairness. What unfairness holds you back?
Rule Three
There are no mistakes, only lessons.
Rule Four
Lessons are repeated until learned.
To face these challenges means you need to accept the fact that something within you keeps drawing the same kind of person/situation/issue, painful though it may be.
- Aware of the issue
- Acknowledge that you need to release the pattern
- Choose to release the pattern
- Strategize a realistic plan
- Commitment to take action
- Celebrate to reward yourself
What patterns are you repeating? You may be surprised at how evident they are all along.
Want leads to CHOICE, which leads to COMMITMENT, should lead to DECISION, which leads to SACRIFICE
Rule Five
Learning does not end.
Rule Six
"There" is no better than "Here"
The fact is being rich or skinny in no way guarantees a secure life free of worries. It may actually make you less secure. A sense of security comes from within, not from attachment to any person, thing or idea.
Send your desires up and away like a balloon.
Rule Seven
Others are only mirrors of you
You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects something you love or hate about yourself.
Your reactions to others say more about you than they do about others.
We usually draw to those who are most like us and tend to dislike those who display those aspects of ourselves that we dislike.
Assume that each encounter reflects back to you an opportunity to explore your relationship to yourself and learn by it.
Imagine every time you are angered, hurt, or upset by another. You are actually being given the opportunity to heal past incidents of anger, hurt, or upsets (unconscious judgements you have secretly harbored against yourself)
Shift perception in learning tolerance: "So what if this person is..." and there by taking your power back. Instead of allowing the other person to get to me... I would have given all of my power to them. I would have allowed her/his actions to dictate my feelings. By recognizing that my judgement of her/him had everything to do with me. I neutralized the effect on me and took my power back.
When feeling intolerant of some one ask myself "What is the feeling underneath this judgement that I don't want to feel?"
This book was actually small and only about 100 pages if I remember right. Just reading my notes makes me want to get it from the library to read it gain!